Hypnotherapy: Does it work? – Real Cases & Success Stories

Even though Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) has become a global phenomenon over the past few years some people are still afraid and prejudiced against the term hypnosis due to the misleading portraying of the Media or a past experience that used the term but did something completely different. Of course, there are those who are neutral, open to listen, read about it and even give it a go either due to curiosity or with the hope that it could be a solution to what they are going through, understanding it’s safe and they have nothing to lose. And as with everything, some people know exactly what we are talking about either through their own experience or the success story of a loved one.

First part is for people to understand the power of hypnotherapy, i.e. communication with the subconscious and then to believe that it is possible for them to have a breakthrough because often it’s easier to accept that something works for others and not for us. Below are some of the most profound cases yet on some level or another we can all relate to most of them.


Stress & Time Management

This was my very first case, one I will never forget. It was a classmate of mine who was more advanced than I was at the time and wanted to go easy on me cause she knew it was my first practice session so she gave me Stress & Time Management as the issue. I thought I was getting off easy yet little did I know. During hypnosis she became aware that she was an overachiever because that’s the only way she would get attention from her father, which she had interpreted as love. Her plate was so full she was inevitably going towards a burnout. Not only that, she realised that she was repeating the pattern of her parents’ relationship where her mother was suppressed and verbally abused. 

The irony was that even with everything she knew at the time she had never realised until she went back to the scenes and made the connections herself. A few days later when I was checking in on her, she told me that she kept only what she found meaningful on her calendar, joined the gym and yoga classes after so long and to my great amazement she left the abusive relationship. She had actually sent an email to RTT support to share her experience and asked me if we could work together on other issues she was facing at the time as well. That’s when I knew I was onto something powerful and absolutely fulfilling. That was the beginning of a completely different Life for both of us! 


Sugar Addiction

This is definitely one of the most complex issues. The reasons for that are many: 

1) Our mother’s milk was sugary so it’s inevitably linked to love and nurture,

2) Sugar is literally everywhere, all the packaged, processed, take out, restaurant food, junk food, sodas, beverages, etc, have sugar. 

3) It has been found to be x10 more addictive than cocaine. 

4) We need to eat to survive, it’s not like smoking or alcohol that we can do without. 

Again and again this is linked to childhood nostalgia, mother’s love, reward, “treat”, need for emotional connection, freedom (i.e. someone who was traumatised not having what they wanted as a child can now do what they want, have all the sugar they desire), and even a protection mechanism – keeping us fat thus invisible, not fit & sexy thus no attention, “safe”. 



This is by far my favourite subject to work with mostly due to my own history of dealing with depression for decades and talk therapy for 8 years looking for answers. I remember when I first came across Marisa Peer’s masterclass when she was talking about how the mind works and how hypnotherapy can help us resolve our issues from their root, I was thinking “this can’t be true, if it is how come no one has told me and why am I struggling all these years?” And yet it is true, with the highest success rate compared to other modalities (93% after 6 sessions). And even if it wasn’t meant for me to learn about hypnotherapy a few decades ago, I am the happiest when someone who is going through depression or dark times realises that it doesn’t have to be this way, understands the root of their suffering and their power over their thoughts, emotions, actions, behaviors, and experience of Life. 

“I can’t believe that this was the source of my depression and playing small in Life” said one lady who in hypnosis went back to her childhood years when her father was taking her to work with him and would tell her off whenever she was talking to his employees, distracting them and making noise, so it was soon imprinted onto her subconscious if she is quiet she will be accepted. Which of course led to years of suppression and not feeling worthy to be loved for who she really was. As an adult she could now see that that was simply her father’s opinion and expression of his own limitations and not who she really was. That’s how everything changes. When we disassociate our own truth now as adults from our beliefs and reactions as a child and from the limitations of others close to us (parents, teachers, friends). 



This case was the biggest transformation I have experienced as a practitioner so far. An attractive young woman, after her divorce having trouble being intimate with a man due to guilt, shame, and a strong conditioning that women are sex objects for men. 

Upon working together she was able to resolve childhood abuse, unhealthy family dynamics, expression of sexuality, and had such a shift that everyone around her noticed and kept saying to her “you changed”, “something’s different”, “what did you do?”. 

We still talk and I am always in such joy hearing her news of living her Life free from guilt, shame, conditioning, and suppression. I always say to her: “Tell me more, text me your news, keep in touch!” Her journey after our session is absolutely magnificent and a testament to me too of what’s possible when someone is ready and determined. Because as practitioners we don’t control the experience people are having, they are. We are here simply as guides between them and parts of themselves. Facilitating their communication with their subconscious if you like, something we can’t easily do on our own because the whole point of transformation is to guide people to the right state (hypnosis, connected with the subconscious) and ask the right questions. 



Almost always when it comes to smoking people are like: “I have tried to quit so many times, I don’t get why I keep doing it!” It’s very likely that people who smoke were conditioned that it’s cool, everyone does it, this way I can be accepted. 

In the case I will share with you, something even more fascinating happened. This was a person with the strongest will I had ever met. When they said they would do something, it was done. Plus they were extremely knowledgeable, had strong discipline and knew all about mindset. And yet, smoking was one weak point that was never really tackled. In hypnosis, they realised that smoking represented freedom because while growing up, a rather suppressing figure could control everything except smoking. And so it was registered that smoking is freedom and a way of standing up to that person. Once realised, the definition of freedom was upgraded with the truth of the adult and as a result smoking tobacco was no longer relevant to them after 37 years of smoking and one session of hypnotherapy. 



Just like smoking, drinking is often linked to a sense of belonging, being accepted, being “cool” and “fun” but not always. I have had sessions with people that were as simple as that and I have had sessions where something more serious was going on like: overwhelm, overachieving, fear of failure, stress, that alcohol was a way out, a distraction, a “break from reality”, a numbness. 

In addition, because alcohol is linked to “being a grown-up”, a grown-up has control over their Life, there were cases where it was linked to control or feeling big (especially if they were small growing up or made fun of). 

As with smoking, hypnotherapy is especially effective with drinking due to the fact that once the individual understands the need they are meeting with the substance and reframes that to a healthier alternative that is more aligned to their truth as adults, the substance loses its power and fades away. It is just not relevant anymore. 



As with Stress, Anxiety is affecting people to a large-scale and is an unfortunate byproduct of the rhythms of Life and our disconnection from our Essence. It’s the result of parts of us shutting down due to trauma, overwhelm, etc, and feeling helpless when coping with everyday Life. 

A case I had recently was a man who had a sports accident and even though there was no pathological damage, the shock was so big that he left his job, lost his sleep, and struggled with self-confidence. The root cause of the feeling of helplessness came from physical abuse by his father when he was only a young boy. And even though now, he was bigger and stronger than his dad ever was, the fact that the trauma had registered onto his subconscious mind and was not resolved, he inevitably lived Life identifying as that. It was not the physical injury he had playing sports, it was the feeling of being injured and feeling helpless that triggered all the trauma that had such an impact on his job and his sleep. 

Once he released in hypnosis that what happened then cannot happen again because now he is in a position to both protect a child and confront an abusive adult, the feeling of helplessness triggering anxiety shifted. He was now in control of his Life! 


Confidence & Self-Esteem

One of the most common issues resulting from the belief “I Am not Enough”, a belief we all carry to one extent or another in some area of our lives. It may show in our relationships, our work, our friendships, our parenting, our connection to ourselves. The reason that this specific issue is so big is that we are dependent for so long after our birth for food, shelter, love, survival and so it is imprinted in us that we need to be enough to get all of that. Something happens early on that triggers this fear, that we are not enough, and instinctively comes up with a survival mechanism to protect us. It’s not the event that did this to us but our interpretation of the event and the impact of the interpretation on our own self-worth. 

This is often closely linked to fears such as fear of rejection, abandonment, failure, and success. 

Once resolved, people give permission to themselves to be more loving and giving in their relationships, to go after their dream job, to ask for more money, to communicate better with their children, to be more appreciative of Life. 


LGBT - Acceptance & Self-Love

I have worked extensively with the LGBT community mostly because and I have to admit it’s one of my favourite groups of people because we don’t waste time on taboos and stigma of therapy, we get right to the point. There is a lot of rejection, self-judgment, anger, due to the beliefs of their loved ones and of course society. Self-acceptance is the key that can bring balance to and heal all other dynamics. And this is true for everyone regardless of sexual orientation, and the unique thing about LGBT members is that they are willing to admit it, which makes my Life easier and their self-discovery journey smoother. There is a level of honesty not easily expressed and a sense of willingness that is simply admirable! 

It’s never about others, what they do or who they are.  And that’s why this work is not about changing the outside world, instead it’s about resolving past traumas and limiting beliefs that impact the way we see and feel about ourselves, upgrading our belief system, embracing the next version of ourselves. This in turn will impact how we see and interact with others, our relationships, work, fulfillment, how we show up in the world, our perspective of reality. 

Same way it’s never about the events that took place but the interpretation we give to these events, sometimes without even knowing. E.g. parents fighting – there is something wrong with me, I am broken, I am not lovable and worthy in contrast to: it’s their unresolved issues, their poor communication skills, expression of their own traumas. Yet what child is able to make that discernment? We all accumulate so much that if it goes unchecked and unresolved, we may spend all of our lives feeling like victims of circumstances restricted by false limitations. The whole point is to break free from trying to become the best version of our limited and traumatised self to actually resolve our restrictions and grow into our true potential.   


Vishen Lakhiani (Founder of Mindvalley) - Money Blocks

Marisa Peer is known for giving RTT sessions to big movie stars, world class athletes, singers, and public figures. One of the biggest public success stories is Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, who talks about his experience with Marisa Peer and the impact of RTT in his Life: he was 9 years old, at the back of the car with his parents in front going somewhere when his mother (thinking he was sleeping) was telling his dad that they cannot afford a birthday present for him and feeling bad not knowing what to do. 

It was then registered onto Vishen’s subconscious that if he needs or wants things he is a burden. And so he grew up and even though he was doing extremely well in business he would never buy things for himself, he would give most of the money away to the extent of his business being threatened. After an RTT session with Marisa Peer, when he realised that he deserves to enjoy the money he is making and be financially successful he gave himself permission to take care of himself and his business going to multiple 7 figures of profit in a very short period of time and now on his way to becoming a billionaire. 

It is so common for people to have such guilt around making money and being wealthy that often making and having less even frustrating is more comfortable. 

Key Facts

Many other cases that have not been mentioned in detail include: war, rape, sexual abuse, drugs, sleep problems, fertility, conception, childhood trauma, anger issues, procrastination, and parenting, among others. Because hypnotherapy is never about the symptom, it’s the process of getting the symptom and communicating with the subconscious to find its root cause so it can be resolved at the root and not the symptom level. 

Even when people experience a major breakthrough from the very first session and their symptom is alleviated, we as practitioners usually recommend a cycle of at least 3 sessions since revisiting the subconscious is allowing us to do a more complete work on the root of the issue in a sustainable way. Repetition and support in this type of work is key! 

Many people get happy and excited with the results and stop, whereas continuing would allow greater integration and better quality results with the recommended cycle at 3 sessions and the ideal scenario for those who are truly serious about their transformation: a program of 6 months including additional tools and coaching to the hypnotherapy sessions. 

A Question worth asking ourselves...

It takes courage and it is definitely a commitment so at the end of the day it comes down to asking the question: what is it worth taking control of my Life and stepping into the creator’s shoes not the victim’s? What is the value of having expert guidance and full support when communicating with my own subconscious mind to unravel hidden truths about myself to consciously create the Life I Love instead of continuing Life unaware of my power?

“What if hypnosis is not about being asleep, and instead a path to awaken?”

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About Xenia

Xenia has always been intrigued but how things work. She loves to study and research because not only she enjoys learning but is drawn to figuring things out. A huge fan of hypnotherapy, and even though she was also prejudiced by the media had immense breakthroughs once she experienced it so much that she decided to sign up for RTT and learn all about hypnotherapy and the mind. It was not until mid-way of her studies that she realised she can do this professionally, after seeing astonishing results in her fellow classmates while they were practicing. Women would leave their abusive relationships, people would overcome drinking and quit smoking, individuals who suffered years with depression would start to come out of, people-pleasers would stand their ground and feel secure in their skin, and so many more.

Ever since, the rest is history. Xenia has taken this as a full-time mission to help people to break free from their stories that are causing their suffering because she knows first hand that it doesn’t have to take years and people don’t need to go through it alone. She is devoted to making a change in this world by giving people the opportunity of dissolving their limitations and their traumas and finally choosing their stories and creating the life they love.

*If you would like to learn more and would love to get on a call with her get in touch (website form or FB) for your free consultation session.

Xenia Economidou, Certified RTT Practitioner


Phone number:  +357 99318145


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