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Mindfulness for Public Speaking

04 Apr 2024

These events aim to create a community of people that are passionate about personal growth and self-improvement. The goal is to foster a supportive community that can meet regularly and focus on Ego Work, Mindfulness, and other facets of self development, with the aim of greater self-awareness and personal growth. By coming together, attendees can share experiences, ideas, and insights that can help everyone reach their full potential. In other countries such groups are common and the aim is to create a self development community in Cyprus too.

*Please reserve your seat with google forms. The meeting room is limited to 13 seats. You are encouraged to buy a beverage from the wonderful baristas at the Presse Cafe and enjoy your drink at the workshop. Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to start*

Registration Form: Self Development Community Series Registration Form

Upcoming Workshop Schedule:

  • April 4 – Mindfulness for Public Speaking


Mindfulness for Public Speaking

Mindfulness is ideal for dealing with stress in the moment and that is why it is so beneficial for public speaking. Learn how to be mindful of thoughts, bodily sensations and of our breath in order to stay present. When we are present there is no room for fear on stage. Mindfulness techniques applied to public speaking means we can focus more on our audience and getting our message across and less on thoughts going on in our head.


 Anastasia Charitou is a certified Mindfulness Trainer. She is the founder of Strategic Calm where she provides mindfulness training to businesses to reduce stress, increase efficiency.

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April 4, 2024
18:15 - 19:15
Event Categories:
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Presse Cafe
96 Stavrou street
Strovolos, 2034 Cyprus
+ Google Map


Anastasia Charitou
99 479095

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